Thursday, November 15, 2007

Joining the Unwashed Masses

Well, it finally happened...I won something. I haven't won anything since I was eight years old and won a custom G.I. Joe from my local Fox T.V. station. But history aside, I am now the owner of a XBox 360. I'm excited because Too Human comes out next year and was the only reason I wanted one. I own six other game systems from NES to a Wii, and game time is short with a family. However, I now have a small list of 2008 titles that interest me on the XBox. Omega Five on XBox Live is begging to claim my money when it hits this month. Huumm...arcade style shooter game...drool...naustalgia...oops! Hahaha, sorry couldn't resist. I like the main interface on the XBox, although I do prefer the interface on the Wii. My only real complaint so far is the goodness that thing is loud! I have to turn the volume up just to hear the game! I haven't had much time to get to know my new addition, because when I do have time to play it is almost always taken my Persona 3. That game is stellar, I have no compliants about it. I'm at level 95 now and boy, I can't get enough. I'm tempted to do the Clear Game after I beat it, but too many games have piled up since I started in August. Metroid Prime 3 Still begs to be played and don't even mention Mario Galaxy I just got or any of my new XBox games, sheesh! I only wish I get caught up, I still have Gamecube, DS, and PS2 games to finish before starting/ finishing the Wii games I have. I've got old NES games that plead for my attention. Now that I'm older I just don't have the time, what with family and work to finish everything. ...Sigh...
Anyway, I digress. I have played the Turok demo and I'm excited about that title. It really reminds me of the N64 original I used to play. Some of the dialogue is modern FPS macho nonsense, but we are talking about the XBox. My internet at home(I'm at work now) is having problems that AT&T hasn't really addressed since it started four months ago, I'm not holding m breath for that to change, so I've not really been able to try "teh Multiplaya" yet. I really have a great adversion to it anyway, have since it's consection on PCs in the Ninties. Well, I've rambled on long enough. Well, at least now I'm part of the "Next-Gen" gaming(what a farce)-sarcasm added-


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