Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wind Waker

For quite some time now, I've been waiting to play Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. I just finished Majora's Mask this week and started the other day on Wind Waker. First off, a lot of people rip on Wind Waker because of the cell shading, they say it makes the game too kiddy. Not only do I disagree, but those kind of people are lacking in good art apreciation. Cell shading fits the mood and tone of the game very well, as well as allowing more facial expressions.
I've only gotten through the Forgotten Fortress; however, I'm loving the game so far. the Link of Wind Waker is different than in the other games, he seems more headstrong and reckless. Still very brave, but not as reserved as the others I've played so far. I can't wait to see how the character progresses.
I know most people don't care about videogames, but I love them. It's like interactive movies where I can lose myself in the story and plot. I wish game developers would create more rich, deep games than the pointless violence games that plague current market.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Last night I finally beat Majora's Mask. I work and have a family so it's not like I can play six or seven hours a day. Anyway, I beat the game which was fairly fun and I liked the plot (see previous post). I also liked the masks as part of the quest, that added a different feel. I didn't like the whole three day repeating thing. It became annoying quickly, when I have to return to day one to save and lose all dungeon progress. I understand the reason why it was done that way; however, that still doesn't make it less annoying. Kind of like some Megaman games. The ending was ok, but I was expecting something more like Ocarina of Time that invoked more feeling.
When it ends, the fairy that has been helping you the whole time tells you to go home, as if your quest is over. After the credits it shows Link on Epona going through the woods until they see a bright light in a clearing, they race toward it and you see a picture of Link and Skullkid with the four giants in the background painted on a tree stump. Now there are two groups of thought about this story. One is that the friend from Ocarina of Time that you are seeking is Navi the fairy that the Deku Tree gave you. She leaves you alone after Zelda sends you back to the beginning. The second is that Skullkid is this friend, being that he was also a friend from Ocarina of Time. I tend to follow the second thought, I'll explain why.
First off, Skullkid seems to reconize you in the opening cutscene. Second, through out the whole game friendship is the theme. Third, Navi is never mentioned at all. Not even to the new fairy companion. If that was the quest, Link might have intimated that he was looking for a fairy. Why not ask a FAIRY where another fairy might be? Would make sense, right? Fourth, when the game ends, after the credits Tael tells you its over and you should go home. I see very little reasons to believe that Link was looking for Navi, other than Deus Ex Machina type reasons. I know people will disagree, but I don't really care.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Majora's Mask

I love to play video games, always have since a kid. I grew up playing arcades and Nintendo. Today's mainstream games lack for me the backbone that made good games; storyline. Most games are vapid repeats of the same senseless violence. Lately I've been playing the Legend of Zelda:Majora's Mask and as with its predecessor Ocarina of Time, has a wonderful plot that is deep and poignant. The main point is friendship and that even though things move people apart, true friends never forget each other. After you beat Twinmold the last dungeon, during the cutscene, your fairy says that now is time to stop Skullkid and the giants(all freed now) tell you to forgive your friend. That part was touching to me. How many games today focus on something so positive? These giants tell you to forgive your friend (IE. Skullkid) who has set the moon to crush Termina and kill everyone in the city, had all four giants imprisioned in evil masks, and stole Epona your horse. Skullkid has done nothing to deserve forgiveness, yet they tell you to forgive him, why? Because friends should always forgive one another.
After you stop the moon from crushing Termina, Majora (the evil mask that possessed Skullkid) possesses the moon and wants to consume the world. Link goes in to stop him and has to play with four kids wearing the four giant masks. After playing hide-and-go seek in form of dungeons, each kid asks you a question about friendship. The questions, which I don't remember, ask you to think about whither or not our perception of what people do is accurate. Novel idea in a video game you say, not for the Zelda franchise. Ever since a Link to the Past on SNES, the Zelda games have deep concepts blended in with gameplay. Just goes to show that video games can be art if you let them be.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Wii Cometh!

Yesterday Nintendo announced finally the release date and price for their next-generation console called Wii. November 19th is the day that I blow my dough on guilty pleasure! Hahaha! The price is $250.oo with one controler and Wii sports. Personally, I'm more than stoked about it; however, many a fanboy is crying in his Mario covered pillow. People are complaining about the price not being $179 or $200 which some analysts (not connected to the Big N) predicted. Me and my monkeys laugh at their stupidity. Not even monkeys are stupid enough to believe a price that low, when Nintendo said it would be no more than $250(Hint).
Anyway, I'm excited and can't wait to try out the Wii-mote's funcionality. For those who don't know anything about the Wii, check out for info. Even if you don't like games you should check it out. It's not the bloated beast that is PS3 and its not the XBox360, but from what I've seen so far it rocks! The videos of Metroid Prime 3 are gorgeous, although it doesn't come out until 2007 sometime. That's ok Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess and Marvel Alliance will more than keep me happy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Changing Places

I had a blog on Yahoo!360, decided to change so here I am. The insanity cometh.